Restructuring & Performance Improvement
The current market situation has, for many companies, resulted in financial difficulties, distressed situations or insolvency situations. In many cases, formal insolvency proceedings can be avoided by restructuring and performance improvement procedures. Time is often of essence and investing in good legal advice can be crucial.
What can we offer?

Delphi’s Restructuring & Performance Improvement team assists all stakeholders, including distressed companies, shareholders, investors and creditors, in connection with all aspects of both Swedish and crossborder restructuring, performance improvement and insolvency situations, including for example renegotiating, waiving and amending terms of existing finance documents, restructuring and rescheduling debt, standstills, debt to equity swaps, disposal of assets or businesses, capital injections and other forms of capital restructurings, corporate and workforce reorganisations as well as formal insolvency proceedings (bankruptcy or company reconstruction).
We are devoted to maximizing client value in what are inevitably time critical, complex and sometimes unpredictable situations. Every distressed situation is unique. Our services are tailored in each specific situation in line with the client’s specific needs.
Our team
Delphi provides a team tailored for each specific situation to maximize client value, improved performance and undertake suitable restructuring measures.
Our Restructuring and Performance Improvement team consists of specialists in banking and finance, corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, capital markets and insolvency law. Our team has extensive experience from advisory services in connection with bankruptcies and/or company reconstructions within a wide range of
industries (incl acting as bankruptcy administrators and company reconstructors).
Depending on the situation – our core team works closely together with specialists in related practice areas including real estate, employment law and dispute resolution to provide a fully integrated service. In addition, Delphi has formed a network of senior industrial advisors with vast operational, board and audit experience from a wide range of business sectors, ready to assist as senior advisors.