Screening of Foreign Direct Investments in Sweden from 1 December 2023 – new notification rules and risks for investments and transactions
On 16 May 2023, the Swedish Government presented a legislative bill on foreign direct investments (the “FDI Act”) to the Swedish Parliament. The purpose of the FDI Act is to prevent foreign direct investments that may harm national security, public order or public safety in Sweden. The new rules – which are now subject to approval from the Parliament in September – are suggested to enter into force on 1 December 2023 and to catch investments that close from that day onwards. Thus, investments that have already been signed but with long-stop dates after 1 December are also targeted.
Read the article here analysing the new rules, written by Elisabeth Eklund, Karin Roberts, Helene Andersson and Matilda Claussén-Karlsson.
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