Delphi EU and Competition Blog

Swedish Administrative Court of Appeal upholds the first decision on sanctions for breach of the Swedish Unfair Trading Practices (UTP) rules due to a large number of late payments

Background On 26 October 2023, the Swedish Competition Authority (the “SCA”) issued its first fining decision under the Swedish Unfair Trading Practices Act (the “UTP Act”), which implements the 2019 EU directive on unfair trading practices in business-to-business relationships in the agricultural a...

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The ISP is showcasing its ability to safeguard Sweden’s strategic interests by blocking a foreign direct investment and imposing fines for failure to notify on time

On 17 December 2024, the Swedish Inspectorate of Strategic Products (the “ISP”) prohibited an investment under the Swedish Screening of Foreign Direct Investments Act (2023:560) (the ”FDI Act”). Only a few weeks later, the agency imposed an administrative fine on a Swedish investor for n...

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One year with the Swedish FDI-regime

1 December 2024, marks one year since the Swedish Screening of Foreign Direct Investments Act (the ”FDI Act”) entered into force. As per 29 November 2024, 1,206 investments have been notified under the Swedish regime. In this blog post we will comment on the application of the FDI Act and provide st...

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The future of EU merger control in the aftermath of Illumina/Grail

In Illumina/Grail the Court of Justice of the European Union (the “CJEU”) attempts to restore order to EU merger control, barring the Commission from using the EU Merger Regulation to extend its review powers. It remains to be seen whether this aim will be achieved. In this blog post we clarify Arti...

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The Impact of Corruption on Public Procurement and Competition

Corruption and unlawful influence undermine fair competition in the market, discouraging legitimate companies from investing in business development. To combat these challenges, the Swedish Government has introduced the Action Plan Against Corruption and Unlawful Influence for 2024-2027 (Sw. Handlin...

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Expanded scope of the Swedish FDI Act

On 1 August 2024, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Sw. Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap) published its revised guidelines (MSBFS 2024:8) listing types of essential services that fall under the scope of the Swedish Act on Foreign Direct Investments (the “FDI Act”). The revised guide...

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