One of the most experienced teams in Sweden.
Delphi has one of the largest and most experienced outsourcing teams in Sweden with broad expertise within the fields of contract law, labour law, public procurement and regulatory affairs.
We possess extensive experience in a variety of fields including IT outsourcing (e.g. infrastructure services and application management agreements), BPO (Business Process Outsourcing), facility management outsourcing, industrial outsourcing (e.g. outsourcing of production), and outsourcing of salary and financial administration. In outsourcing, both the services and the contracts are complex. The contracts run for a long time, which means that flexibility and predictability are central. At the same time, there are great benefits to gain, both in terms of price, competence and flexibility.
Our experienced lawyers help you avoid the common pitfalls related to outsourcing. We possess extensive experience of representing both customers and suppliers in a variety of sectors, inter alia, in the financial, insurance, medical, industrial and public sectors. We assist our clients throughout the entire outsourcing process – from the analysis of whether outsourcing is the right solution, through the RFP and drafting of the agreement, the selection process, contract negotiations, to the implementation. We are highly experienced in providing advice related to management of the agreement, re-negotiation and exit planning, including insourcing. Delphi has developed a process for managing the outsourcing project that we call contract driven outsourcing. It is a process that ensures proper documentation of the outsourcing arrangement and that the businesses requirements are documented in an appropriate way in the agreement. The process supports negotiations with multiple suppliers, management of the agreement and how an exit from the agreement is handled at the end of the agreement.
We also have broad knowledge of, and extensive experience with, cloud agreements and hybrids between traditional outsourcing and cloud services. We provide advice for planning, procurement and ensuring that regulatory requirements are met. Further, we also work with SIAM (service integration and management) setups – where a party takes an overall responsibility for the IT operations of an organisation, including many suppliers.
”The firm has one of the largest and most well-reputed IT, media and telecommunications departments in Sweden. […] The firm has a particularly strong reputation in handling large and complex IT projects, outsourcing projects and IT transactions.”
Our work includes:
- IT Outsourcing
- Business Process Outsourcing / BPO
- Facility Management
- Cloud Computing Contracts (e.g. SaaS-contracts)
- Infrastructure Services Agreements
- Hosting Agreements
- Data protection / Privacy / GDPR
- Shared Services
- Insourcing
- Public procurement of IT-services
- EBA guidelines on outsourcing arrangements
- PSD2 (Open Banking)
- Regulatory requirements
- Disputes
- Digitalisation
- Contract negotiations
- Exit Management
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