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Delphi has assisted Väderstad-Verken in respect of the acquisition of the Canadian company Seed Hawk

Advokatfirman Delphi has assisted the agricultural machinery manufacturer Väderstad-Verken AB in respect of the acquisition of the Canadian business Seed Hawk. Seed Hawk manufactures heavy-duty sowing machines for direct sowing and has a workforce of 250. The business has undergone an expansive development and, since 2006, has increased its turnover by 700 per cent to the current level of SEK 400 million.

Väderstad-Verken has experienced a very positive development in recent years. Last year the turnover increased by 16 per cent to SEK 2.1 billion. The company has taken on 90 new employees during the course of the last year and now has a workforce of 1100 spread over 13 countries. The acquisition of Seed Hawk facilitates expansion in the North American market.

”We perceive considerable potential in Seed Hawk as its local presence on the North American market is a prerequisite for success. Tempo, Väderstad’s precision sowing machine, is an important product for reaching out to this market and, together with Seed Hawk’s range, the chances of success for both businesses are enhanced,” says Christina Stark, MD at Väderstad-Verken.

The transaction was completed on 15 October 2013.

Delphi’s team is led by senior partner Göran M Karlsson assisted by partner Cecilia Lundh.
The work was carried out in cooperation with the law firm Kanuka Thuringer in Regina, Saskatchewan.