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Delphi breaks ground for biodiversity

Today marks the International Day for Biological Diversity. This year, we have chosen to pay special attention to it in connection with one of our latest environmental projects which promote biodiversity in Sweden. The situation for our pollinators is critical, and further loss would have a negative impact on our food supply. The project focuses on preserving and enhancing the habitat for our pollinators such as bees and bumblebees.

In early 2023, the EU Commission proposed a new initiative for pollinators to address the alarming decrease of pollinating insects in Europe. Essentially, it underlines that we cannot continue to lose biodiversity as it will have negative affect on our food supply and our ecosystems. Therefore, Delphi has funded and participated in a project to preserve and enhance the habitats for wild pollinators in Sweden. Together with Initiative1415, Delphi has implemented actions in an area in Bålsta, in Håbo municipality, that benefit biodiversity.

– Pollination is crucial for many of our crops and is essential for Swedish food supply. Pollination is an ecosystem service that is central to ensuring that we have food on our tables. The loss of wild pollinators continues, and powerful efforts are now needed to reverse that trend, says Christoffer Bonde at Initiative1415.

Initiative1415 offers companies the opportunity to contribute to increasing biodiversity and carbon sequestration through various local projects. Initiative1415 collaborates with owners of agricultural and forestry land and enters agreements on biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Regarding the project for wild pollinators, all implemented actions are based on recommendations from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Board of Agriculture and are carried out in dialogue with the County Administrative Board. In Bålsta, Delphi has been participating on site by helping to creating warm areas, establishing fauna habitats, sowing bee-friendly mixtures, creating traditional flower meadows, placing straw bales, establishing sand beds, creating beetle banks, and planting various trees and bushes.

– This year, Delphi has intensified its sustainability efforts for the climate and environment. We have adopted a new reduction plan to reduce our carbon footprint and invested in new climate and environmental projects – including this project focusing on biodiversity. In this case, it is also very rewarding to be on site and participate physically, says Andreas Wirén, partner at Delphi.

Delphi is a progressive law firm with specialists in most industries and legal areas within business law. With a total workforce of 210 employees, of which around 150 are lawyers. Delphi has offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Linköping.