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Delphi advisor to Paxman in connection with directed issue

Delphi has assisted Paxman AB (publ) in connection with Paxman’s directed issue of 1.9 million shares totaling SEK 123.5 million. The subscription price was set at SEK 65 per share through an accelerated bookbuilding process conducted by Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ). Paxman’s share is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

The Paxman Scalp Cooling System has been developed by the Paxman family to reduce hair loss in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. With close to 6,000 systems delivered in to hospitals, clinics and treatment centers around the world, Paxman is the leading supplier of Scalp Cooling technology. Paxman has its headquarters in Karlshamn (Sweden), with subsidiaries in Huddersfield (UK), Houston, Texas (US) and Toronto, Ontario (CA).

Delphi’s team consisted of Anders Jemail, Ludvig Borg, and Elfie Ekegren Franzetti.