Jesper Blomberg
Malmö | Specialist Counsel
Mobile phone: +46 (0)709 25 26 11
E-mail: jesper.blomberg@delphi.se
Language: French, English, Swedish
Jesper Blomberg has worked at Delphi since 2022. He is also active as a teacher in public law at the Faculty of Law at Lund University. He has previously worked as a counselor at Växjö District Court, the Land and Environmental Court, as a counselor at the Administrative Court of Appeal in Jönköping and as a lawyer at the Swedish Geological Survey. He has also been involved in legislative work in the field of planning and construction law, most recently in 2020-2021 as a special investigator in the Building Permit Inquiry. Jesper works primarily with environmental law and special real estate law, e.g. with issues under the Planning and Building Act, right of use issues, permit.