Social responsibility
Giving back to society.
Social responsibility is a vast area covering many activities. The one common denominator is that they are all about, and affect people.
Our social responsibility activities are directed at people outside our own business. We support activities financially and contribute with our skills, commitment and services. Being involved and contributing is personally rewarding. Helping others has a positive effect on all of us.
Contributions that develop our society
We work pro bono for organizations such as Médecins Sans Frontières, Humanium Metal by IM, Tillväxt Malmö and Chalmers Ventures.
Médecins Sans Frontières is a medical humanitarian organization that saves lives, they care for and assist people who need it the most. Médecins Sans Frontières helps people affected by crises, war, and natural disasters regardless of political opinion, religion or ethnicity. Delphi assists the organization on a non-profit basis with business law advice, such as concerns with contracts and labor law.
Humanium Metal by IM is a creative initiative where seized illegal firearms are destroyed and transformed into metal, which is sold to producers of peaceful products. The returns are channeled back to societies that are heavily infested by gun violence. A peaceful society is a fundamental enabler of sustainable development. The process of melting the firearms and the use of the resulting metal requires legal competence, which Delphi offers IM through our co-operation.
Tillväxt Malmö has the mission of supporting growth companies to expand and create more job opportunities. The target group consists of companies in Malmö that require new networks, financing, and advice to foster their growth. As a partner company, Delphi provides business legal advice to growth companies, pro bono initially but also as ongoing support for the future.
Delphi also works pro bono for Chalmers Ventures, which starts, develops and finances research and knowledge-based companies. Delphi participates in the Legal Clinic, which offers companies within Chalmers Ventures access to legal advice.
Community engagement inspires and makes a significant difference
Delphi takes an active role in initiatives that increase diversity, both in the legal profession and amongst applicants for legal education. This, we believe, will contribute to a more diversified workplace in the long run.
We are involved in the network NU: Nolla Utanförskapet (No alienation), where we offer high school kids help with their studies. They are welcome to our office for assisted help with homework and preparations for exams.
Delphi is a partner in the F1RST community. We invite talented students from schools in vulnerable areas and introduce them to the legal profession and law school. The goal is to inspire these students to aim for higher education and hopefully choose legal studies.