EU and Competition Blog | november 17, 2022
Recent Rulings from the EU Courts in Qualcomm, Optical Disk Drives and Google Android Show That Failure to Respect the Parties’ Defence Rights May Come at a High Price. In recent years, there has been much talk of ‘due process’ and of ensuring a fair and impartial case handling by competition author...
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EU and Competition Blog | november 17, 2022
It is now a year since the Swedish Act on the Prohibition of Unfair Trading Practices in the Purchase of Agricultural and Food Products (the so-called UTP Act, Sw. ”lagen om förbud mot otillbörliga handelsmetoder vid köp av jordbruks- och livsmedelsprodukter”) entered into force on 1 November 2021....
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EU and Competition Blog | november 17, 2022
On 30 June 2022, the European Parliament and the Council reached a provisional agreement on the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) which will allow the European Commission (the Commission) to screen non-EU government subsidies. On 28 November 2022, the FSR was formally adopted following the Counc...
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EU and Competition Blog | november 17, 2022
The Digital Markets Act (“DMA”) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 12 October 2022 and enters into force on 1 November 2022. The DMA starts to apply from 2 May 2023, at which point the European Commission will start designating undertakings as gatekeepers. Once an underta...
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