Delphi EU and Competition Blog

The Swedish Merger Control Year 2022 In Review – Highlights And Takeaway

In this blog post, we take a closer look at the merger control year of 2022 in Sweden and the cases that caught the Swedish Competition Authority’s (“SCA”) attention. 2022 in numbers In 2022, the SCA received 117 merger filings. While this was a slight decrease compared to the record breaking 135 no...

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The European Commission has published a Draft Implementing Regulation for the Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) – make your voice heard – public consultation open until 6 March 2023

On 6 February 2023, the European Commission (the Commission) published a Draft Implementing Regulation for the application of the Regulation on Foreign Subsidies (FSR). The FSR, which entered into force on 12 January 2023, allows the Commission to screen non-EU government subsidies. The FSR requires...

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The ECJ’s Unilever-judgment; Confirms the ‘Intel Ruling’ and Establishes that a Dominant Firm May be Held Solely Responsible for the Actions of Its Distributors

In a recent preliminary ruling regarding Unilever, the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) reaffirms the position taken in Intel, declaring that a national competition authority (NCA) cannot disregard claims that an exclusivity scheme is incapable of producing anticompetitive effects. The e...

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Important judgment from the Swedish Supreme Court regarding the duty for last instance courts to request preliminary rulings – even when no such claim has been made by the parties

The Swedish courts have not been on the forefront when it comes to requesting preliminary rulings – despite a rather obvious need for such rulings in many cases where claims from one or both parties have been denied by the courts. The unwillingness to seek guidance from the Court of Justice of the E...

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A New System for Preliminary Rulings for the European Courts in Luxembourg has been Proposed – the General Court as new Instance for Certain Cases

The Court of Justice of the European Union (the “ECJ”) and the General Court in Luxembourg have a very important role to play as the interpreters of EU law. To ensure consistency in the application of EU law throughout the Union, national courts in the EU Member States may request so-called prelimin...

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Welcome to Delphi’s EU and Competition Law Blog!

The area of EU and competition law is in constant motion. Both the EU legislators and courts make sure that this field of law is developing at high speed. It is therefore becoming increasingly difficult to keep up to date with the latest developments in this area. At the same time, many of these dev...

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